Saturday, March 27, 2010


I've heard that you have taken one of the bravest decision in your life and that is to leave for Singapore a month from now to continue a career of your choice. I admire your courage and your clear-headedness. I understand how difficult it is for you to let go of your FA dream at this point. The decision may somehow saddened you but life must go on and that there's still a long journey ahead. Letting go of the said "dream" doesn't necessarily mean totally giving up and forgetting about it but just putting it on hold for a while. The desire will always be there and every beating of your heart will constantly remind you of it.

As you take your new journey, I pray for your guidance and safety. Wherever you go, may you always see the sunny side of life and your beautiful smile will continue to brigthen up the day. May this new path leads you to the fulfillment of your dreams and to a lifetime of happiness.

All the bests,


1 comment:

  1. hi ruth.. thank you very much. i hope all the other FA aspirants out there wont lose hope or let go just because they see other people like me do so. i have my reasons and it's definitely what the sensible part of my brain tells me to do right now. yes, you're right, in my heart ill always have the FA dream. And who knows, in another place and time, it might happen after all. But for now, im taking a detour.

    thank you very much for the heartwarming message. you're very sweet. I wish you the best in your future plans. You and all our FA dream sisters out there are in my prayers :)
